Saturday, March 13, 2010

Flash Screen in Windows Application

Add windows form.

add two timer control in that form

set form background as white

do the complition with help of following code

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Text;

namespace gridcomputing
public partial class frmSplashScreen : Form
#region "VARIABLES"

protected int intCurrentGradientShift = 10;
protected int intGradiantStep = 5;

public frmSplashScreen()

#region "FORM LOAD"
private void frmSplashScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


#region "TIMER TICK"
private void tmrAnimation_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Obtain the Graphics object exposed by the Form.
Graphics grfx = CreateGraphics();
// Set the font type, text, and determine its size.

Font font = new Font("TIMES NEW ROMAN", 40,
FontStyle.Regular , GraphicsUnit.Point);

string strText = " Quality of Service \n" +
" in \n" +
" Grid Computing \n";

SizeF sizfText = new SizeF(grfx.MeasureString(strText, font));

// Set the point at which the text will be drawn: centered
// in the client area.

PointF ptfTextStart = new PointF(Convert.ToSingle(ClientSize.Width - sizfText.Width) / 2,
Convert.ToSingle(ClientSize.Height - sizfText.Height) / 2);

// Set the gradient start and end point, the latter being adjusted
// by a changing value to give the animation affect.
PointF ptfGradientStart = new PointF(0, 0);
PointF ptfGradientEnd = new PointF(intCurrentGradientShift, 200);
// Instantiate the brush used for drawing the text.
LinearGradientBrush grBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(ptfGradientStart,
ptfGradientEnd, Color.Maroon, BackColor);
// Draw the text centered on the client area.
grfx.DrawString(strText, font, grBrush, ptfTextStart);
// Shift the gradient, reversing it when it gets to a certain value.
intCurrentGradientShift += intGradiantStep;

if (intCurrentGradientShift == 500)
intGradiantStep = -5;
else if (intCurrentGradientShift == -50)
intGradiantStep = 5;

private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
